The ADAMI Media Prize launched its second workshop for fiction and documentary film projects in the editing stage, dealing with topics of cultural diversity, tolerance, integration or peaceful coexistence, in Minsk, Belarus, Nov 6-8, 2019 for Belarusian and Ukrainian participants.

The workshop was organized in partnership with the International Film Festival LISTAPAD and was hosted by the National Film Studio BELARUSFILM.  

Six projects were selected for the editing workshop, the participants discussed their films with the acclaimed film editor Lena Rem (Germany), the famous film director Sergey Bukovsky (Ukraine) and the experienced film lecturer Andrej Polupanov (Belarus).

The workshop took place in several editing rooms, where participants receive tutoring from experienced filmmakers and editors. Aside from the work in the editing room, ADAMI Studio participants had the chance to attend screenings and networking events that the festival offered to its international guests. All Belarusian and Ukrainian production companies, TV stations or individual producers/filmmakers had the chance to apply for this workshop.